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 Christina Ahmadjian(一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科教授)
 海部美知(ENOTECH Consulting 代表)

 一橋エルメス会(Hitotsubashi Women Leaders for Innovation)は一橋大学の女性卒業生を母体とし、世界各地で活動する多様なメンバーの自主的な発言や活動をつなぐ、オープン型ネットワークです。2013年、女性卒業生たちの中から「情報共有や意見交換する場が必要。同窓の中でネットワークを作りたい」という声があがり結成されました。


About Us

Hermes - Hitotsubashi Women Leaders for Innovation was launched by a group of Hitotsubashi University alumnae with hopes of establishing new Captains of Industry shaped by the wisdom of women.


The initiative first started after many Hitotsubashi alumnae who have appeared in an interview series of the university’s magazine, Hitotsubashi Quarterly, called for the need to create a network of working women to share information and opinions.


Hitotsubashi University Associate Professor Yuko Yamashita, Professor Christina Ahmadjian, both from the Faculty of Commerce and Management, and Michi Kaifu, Hitotsubashi alumna and CEO of California-based ENOTECH Consulting took the lead in holding the group’s first symposium in April 2013. It became clear at the symposium that even highly educated women still face various challenges in the workplace, including a “glass ceiling” – a barrier that prevents them from moving up the corporate ladder.


Ever since then, the group has been exchanging views on Facebook and holding symposiums and meetings, focusing on improving the environment for working women both at the office and at home. Its members total 407 as of August 2015.

In September 2015, Hermes won a grant from the Nomura Foundation to initiate a project connecting Hitotsubashi alumnae with alumnae associations of universities around the world to carve a new image of Captains of Industry and encourage innovative women with strong expertise to play a leadership role in society.

Past symposiums held by Hermes have shown that many women have difficulty continuing their careers within companies due to lack of career paths for specialists. In order to enable women to construct long-term career plans, it is necessary to realize a management system which values specialists in such areas as public relations, human resource development, marketing and information technology.


With the goal of hosting an international conference in 2018, Hermes will provide opportunities for women (and men) to discuss problems and possible solutions concerning women’s career building and share them with younger generations.

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